As affiliate you can earn commissions in the following ways:
With click you earn commissions based on visitors you send to offer sales pages. The amount of the commissions is calculated on the number of visitors and on quality aspects of the web traffic.
With sales you earn commissions based on orders from users sent to sales pages of web services or digital products.
With sub-affiliates you to create a network of affiliates that will be linked to your account. Earnings of sub-affiliates will generate a commission for you.
To send web traffic you can use affiliate links and banners available inside account area. Affiliate links include a unique user code that allows our system to track clicks and sales and assign commissions.
Inside account area you can create for free an affiliate website ready to be promoted. You will have a control panel to manage content, design and functions of the website.
To our affiliates we also offer bonuses based on sales volume and commissions on upsells of products and services.